Housing Affordability
Facilitate home ownership by:
- Fast tracking the development of land for residential housing, with the aim of fully meeting all new home buyer demand within 5 years;
- Establishing a First Home Buyers register guaranteeing offer of vacant land within 12 month at a set price per sqm;
- Pass law capping the total state and local government fees, charges and taxes applicable to newly developed land to 25% of sale price;
- Offer public housing for sale to its tenants, crediting the last ten years rent as a deposit for purchase.
- Encourage co-operative housing purchases with establishment of co-op development board to advise and not-for-profit state Development Bank to lend for the establishment of co-ops at cost outside APRA guidelines;
- Legislate to mandate council approvals of the construction of granny flats if to be occupied by elderly relatives of home owners
- Build very high speed rail links between Melbourne and major regional towns to allow people to buy cheaper homes in country areas while working every day in Melbourne
- Free up houses for sale to Australians by discouraging sales to foreign buyers (1. a new tax on foreign property developers; 2. doubling the stamp duty on residential property purchases by foreign buyers and 3. Introducing an annual foreign owners property tax of 10% of assessed value.)
- Introduce “family rent assistance” for lower income working families equal to that provided for the unemployed
- Encourage higher density re-development of inner urban areas with concessions on land taxes, state government re-zoning laws
- Facilitate cheaper renting in regional areas with very high speed rail links to Melbourne
- Increase spending on public housing funded by a new “vacant property tax” on owners of properties left unoccupied for more than six months.
- For public housing eligibility, prioritise 1. Australian citizens and 2. those in low income employment (plus age pensioners) over working age welfare recipients.
- Improve the quality of life in public housing by evicting those convicted of criminal offences and those who repeatedly demonstrate anti-social behaviour (including illegal graffiti) and establishing a prohibited tenants list of same.
- Criminal conviction (including any drug offence) to permanently disqualify from public housing eligibility.
Energy Affordability
- Introduce “Renewable Energy Disaster Recovery” payments of $500 to households without rooftop solar cells to compensate for higher energy costs due to “renewables” (unreliables.)
- End all “renewable” energy subsidies to power generators, cut state coal royalties by 50%
- End all subsidies of home rooftop solar cells
- Reduce payments for feed in power from rooftop solar cell owners to only pay market rate for what the network requires at the time the power is generated.
- Government to build three new coal fired power stations.
- Repeal bans on on-shore gas mining (including fracking) but legislate a 5% royalty payable to owners on land from which gas is extracted.
- Introduce state gas reservation system.
Supporting Families
- As a traditional family alternative to subsiding institutional child care, introduce a Homemaker Allowance equal to cost of childcare (up to $35,000 pa) for stay-at-home mothers/fathers with dependent children, who are not otherwise entitled to income replacement welfare – means test free.
- Gives families the option of having the state pay for mothers to stay home and look after their own children instead of only paying for institutional childcare and forcing all mothers out into the workplace.
- Promote the establishment of co-operative childcare centres with advice and assistance from the new Co-op Development Board and funds from the new state Development Bank.
- Affordable Housing (as above) to allow one partner to afford to stay home to look after children
- Emergency Department Medical Care – increase funding and resources to public hospital emergency departments to allow one hour maximum wait times to be mandated as performance benchmarks
Cost of Living Taxes and Charges
- Slash petrol and diesel vehicle registration fees by 50% and drivers licence charges by 25%,
(paid for by 1. reducing the CTP insurance requirements with a legislative cap on TP settlements; 2. introducing stamp duty on sales of aircraft and boats over $5,000; and 3. Doubling electric vehicle registration charges to offset their failure to pay for road costs through fuel taxes.) - Cut public transport fares (rail, bus and ferry) by 25%,
(paid for by using funds from rail freight to cross subsidise passengers, and abolishing concessions for adult students and the extended families of transport employees) - Pay cab owners back 75% of the cost of their licences
(paid for by introducing a 5% levy on Uber fares and introducing an Uber driver licence.) - Reduce payroll tax by 50% immediately and phase out completely in five years.
- Cap fees, charges and taxes on new residential land developments, including developer charges at 25% of sale price, (offset by 1. a new tax on foreign property developers; 2. doubling the stamp duty on residential property purchases by foreign buyers and 3. Introducing an annual foreign owners property tax of 10% of assessed value. )
Medical Care
- Increase the number of doctors & nurses employed by Vic Health by 25% over 3 years, increase the number of hospital beds by 25% over 5 years
- Introduce maximum surgery wait times as regulatory requirement for Vic Health
- Publish figures on ratio of bureaucrats to doctors in Vic Health over the last 20 years and introduce regulatory required maximum ratio of bureaucrats to doctors.
- Increase university places to study medicine by 25% with a ban on foreign students studying medicine to ensure all practice in Australia.
- Create a publicly searchable on-line register of complaints against medical practitioners and actions taken against them
- Establish after hours outpatient clinics next to hospitals for non-urgent patients to slash Hospital Emergency Ward waiting times
- Increase funding and resources to public hospital emergency departments to allow one hour maximum wait times to be mandated as performance benchmarks.
- Mandate minimum nursing staff and doctors to patient ratios in public hospitals.
- Provide government financial assistance to private hospitals to set up their own 24 hour emergency departments.
(e.g. grants equal to 50% of set up costs) - Increase resources to public ambulance service to allow performance benchmarking of response times
- Increase recruitment and retention of ambulance staff by introducing a defined benefit Emergency Service Workers (Ambos, Fire and Police) superannuation scheme that pays a defined benefit pension after 20 years service.
- Provide grants to private ambulance providers (e.g. St Johns & St Andrews) to set up in competition with public ambulance services to increase ambulance availability and improve service.
Protecting Age Care Residents
- Outlaw casual employment in age and nursing care and require all employees to be permanent part-time or full-time to ensure that all employees have access to sick leave to stay away from work when they are unwell.
- Outlaw individual employment in more than one age or nursing home facility at any one time.
- Legislate to require at least one nurse be on duty at all nursing homes 24 hours a day.
- Legislate minimum ratios of staff to patients.
- Introduce a mandatory training certificate course for all aged and nursing home workers not medically qualified.
- Mandate minimum standards of spoken and written English for all age and nursing home workers to ensure competence and avoid worker errors.
Restoring Agriculture
- Enshrine the right to farm in law to prevent climate extremist driven requirements to reduce areas under cultivation.
- End all state government controls on tree clearing and other similar interference in the use of private property.
- Create a new offence of “politically motivated trespass” to prevent left wing activists occupying farms and disrupting primary production.
- Create farming apprenticeships to train city kids to be farmers.
- Re-establish collective bargaining in agriculture (Orderly Marketing) by re-establishing statutory producer controlled boards (and/or grower co-operatives) to buy and sell all agricultural products and guarantee fair prices to producers (starting with dairy industry)
- Outlaw foreign purchases of agricultural land and legislate to require divestment of lands already owned by foreigners within 12 months.
- Prevent foreign owners of farms (eg dairies) from simply exporting their products by requiring them to be sold along with all other agricultural goods to statutory boards or producer co-ops
- Establish a not-for-profit state government Development Bank to provide interest free loans for the establishment of new co-operatives and to lend to farmers outside of APRA guidelines.
Restoring Education
- Outlaw the teaching of radical social values in public schools such as the so-called “safe schools” child sexualisation program.
- End other politicisation of education – including all teaching on supposed “global warming”, all teaching of gender and race related material, end bogus aboriginal ceremonies etc.
- Introduce education credits (vouchers) by which all parents get an equal share of education funding and are free to allocate it to the school (public or private) of their choice and to remove it from the school if they elect to send their child elsewhere. Such credits to be also provided to home schooling parents.
- Review and redesign public education curriculum to focus on academic rigor and to eliminate left-wing political bias.
- Curriculum to include skills for being a successful employee and how to start and run a small business and not just prep for university.
- Abolish extreme left wing dominated teacher training colleges and outsource teacher training to private organisations, including on-the-job training
- Introduce performance benchmarks for public school teacher performance, with termination of employment for teachers who consistently fail to measure up but salary bonuses for those that do.
- Require appropriate minimum VCE scores for those applying to become teachers.
- Introduce independent examinations for the VCE with children leaving before the VCE required to have successfully demonstrated a minimum educational standard before leaving.
- Introduce “majority parental sanction” to public schools by which they are required to hold a vote on any curriculum matters, staffing or other administration issue requested by at least 5% of parents of children at the school and a majority vote to change the curriculum or to sack an individual teacher must be implemented.
Small Business
- Increase award wages for major retailers to the same level as small businesses (they are currently 25% less)
- Require the provision of seats for retail staff when not serving customers
- Increase penalty rates for large retailers for Sunday and Public holiday trading to double and triple time respectively for all employees who work on those days.
- Abolish weekend and public holiday penalty rates for small businesses with a turnover of less than $1m (but only for staff who have worked less than 40 hours in a week)
- Exempt small businesses with a turnover of less than $1m pa from “unfair dismissal laws.”
- Through the establishment of the new state Development Bank, provide small interest-free start up loans for first small business starters.
- Assist small business employment with an initial wage offset payment equal to 25% of the minimum wage for the first staff member employed for the first two years of operation.
- Oppose the concentration of retail outlets in shopping centres by limiting ownership of retail freehold premises to a maximum of 25% per corporation statewide and 50% in any one local government area.
- Support small retailers by introducing model leases which small business operators are legally empowered to elect to sign in preference to those provided by landlords. Outlaw shop lease provisions requiring retailers to provide details of their takings to shopping centre managers, outlaw the charging of retail rent based on turnover and outlaw the requirement to relocate within a shopping centre while a lease is current.
- Outlaw the imposition of opening hour requirements on individual shopkeepers by shopping centres, including outlawing shopping centres compelling shops to trade on Sunday and Public Holidays.
Race and Gender
- Treat all Australians equally.
- End all race and gender preferences in government employment.
- End all “acknowledgement of country” recitations by government employees.
- End unfair sporting competition by transgender athletes by mandating that athletes may only compete as the biological sex based gender they were born with.
- End efforts to remove “women” from medical descriptions
- End the cultural Marxists personal pronoun war, with biological sex determining titles.
- Outlaw the teaching of race and gender issues in schools.
- Legislate to only allow the Australian and/or Victorian flags to be flown from or displayed in government offices and on public property.
- Oppose the racist “Voice to Parliament”
- Repeal “Anti-Conversion” laws.
Promoting Freedom
- Hold public inquiry into erosion of freedoms during COVID including lockdowns, vaccine mandates, silencing of critics of government, brutal political enforcement actions of police.
- Restore all freedoms curtailed or abrogated since commencement of pandemic.
- Legislate to prohibit any further vaccine mandates and lockdowns
- Repeal other state restrictions on free speech (eg “likely to cause offence” as an crime etc)
- Repeal laws that prevent parents counselling their children (eg “Anti Gay Conversion” laws)
- Repeal unpopular victimless crime nanny state laws (eg compulsory bike helmets for adults, bans on vaping as a quit smoking aid, banning of fireworks etc.)
Supporting Life
- Support the right to life from conception to natural death.
- Facilitate increased adoption of children in need with a 90 day approval process.
- Establish a Pregnancy Support Fund to fund organisations which support women through pregnancy (eg Caroline Chisholm Society).
Law and Order
- End so-called “affirmative action” in police recruitment and promotion, introduce minimum height and physical strength requirements without gender bias,
- Introduce defined benefit superannuation scheme for police that pays a pensions after 20 years service
- Introduce a legal right for police to refuse immoral or politically motivated orders
- Introduce a charter of citizens rights including freedom of speech, conscience and protest
- Outlaw the use of gratuitous violence by police against peaceful protestors
- Increase minimum penalties for property crimes with mandatory jail terms for repeat offenders
- Introduce mandatory jail terms and 75% of sentence minimum non-parole periods for violent crimes
- Introduce mandatory life sentences for three-time violent offenders
- Abolish so-called “safe injecting rooms” and introduce mandatory choice of prison or rehab for drug users.
- Prohibit convicted criminals from living in public housing.