Articles 11 – 13 of the DLP Constitution
11. The Democratic Labour Party shall uphold principles of democracy intended to maintain –
a) responsible government, representative parliaments, the fundamental liberties of conscience, equality, justice and the rule of law;
b) a decent and secure livelihood for all, through wage justice, fair rewards for enterprise, adequate social security and equity in the determination of prices, interest rates and the level of taxation;
c) limits upon centralism in government and upon the concentrations of power in corporate business, financial institutions, trade unions and the communications media;
d) protection of the constitutional sovereignty of the people of the Commonwealth, and of each State of the Commonwealth against outside political interference, economic coercion or external aggression;
e) resistance to the spread of totalitarian, supranationalist and other anti-democratic ideologies, and cautious realism in dealings with the regimes, movements and fronts that derive from them.
12. The Democratic Labour Party shall uphold principles of liberty intended to affirm –
a) orthodox values and traditions and the ethic of civic responsibility as the foundation for genuine human freedoms and the common good;
b) the sacredness of human life, from conception until natural death, as the fundamental basis for all human rights;
c) the historical indispensability of the family as the primary guardian of personal freedoms vis-a-vis the state;
d) the authority of just law as paramount in the protection of community interests against exploitation, violence or threat from self-serving, coercive-ideological and lawless agents or groups;
e) distributive democracy as the means to advance the welfare, status and development of the people and support basic freedoms and rights.
13. The Democratic Labour Party shall uphold principles of peace intended to promote –
a) personal security, harmony and trust within families, mutual tolerance and respect among all peoples and communities and the right to lawful national self-determination;
b) development of co-operative links between nations in matters of mutual interest, including foreign aid, migration and refugees, scientific and cultural exchanges, trade and essential defence alliances;
c) preparedness for legitimate self-defence against external aggression or threat to the nation and its regional or global interests, through the maintenance of a flexible and effective deterrent capability;
d) multilateral armaments reduction which is balanced, verifiable and progressive;
e) vigilance against unilateralism, pacifism and appeasement and the strategic instabilities they abet.