Infant Viability Bill
The DLP’s Dr Rachel Carling-Jenkins has delivered a powerful Second Reading Speech for the Infant Viability Bill in the Victorian Parliament.
In what is a very comprehensive speech, Dr Carling-Jenkins makes an appeal for a life-affirming culture as she exposes the flaws of the current system, and explains how the various aspects of the bill will make important reforms to the way mothers and their viable children are treated and cared for.
The bill is receiving widespread support from the community and from both sides of the political spectrum. Over 42,000 signatures have been collected on hard copy petitions in support of the bill, and a Galaxy undertaken in March sows that 64 per cent of Victorians oppose abortion post 20-weeks.
For more information, see
Show your support for the Infant Viability Bill by joining a peaceful rally on Saturday 21 May, 2pm outside the front of Parliament House.