Labour the Way it Should Be
Our party formally began in 1955 when 51 parliamentarians across Australia put their careers on the line to fight against the infiltration of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) and trade unions by the extreme left. However, our origins are in the original and authentic labour movement prior to this date. We count the members of the ALP prior to 1955, including Prime Minister Ben Chifley, as part of our party’s history.
The ALP has long since lost its way. The socialist left of the party has come to dominate it and are preoccupied with pursuing radical social agendas, pandering to minority groups, extreme green ideology and “woke” obsessions such as gender.
Today, the Democratic Labour Party (Labour DLP) is the only political party in Australia that still upholds traditional labour principles, a real labour party for workers affirming the value and inalienable dignity of human life and committed to preserving, protecting and building on the family.
We believe in a government that will promote social and economic justice, a fair and decent society for families and a sense of national direction that will help to make Australia prosperous, self-reliant and secure.
Building a Just and Cohesive Society
We believe that Australia needs a sense of national direction that will help make our country prosperous, self-reliant and secure. We must ensure that our society is a safe and decent place for families and that all members of the community have the best opportunity to flourish and achieve their goals in life.
We look to what sustains the flourishing of all people, because we believe that every person matters. We oppose the exploitation of the poor, the weak, the vulnerable, the disadvantaged and the voiceless, but we also oppose the subjugation of the silent majority and attempts to deem proceeds of hard work and thrift as “privilege.” We believe in a country that provides the opportunity for a decent and secure livelihood for all, through wage justice, opportunities for small business, moderate taxation, fair rewards for enterprise and adequate social security.
We celebrate our national unity and commonality of interests, not contrived, politically motivated divisions. We want immigrants who will integrate and assimilate, people who come to this country looking to work, to contribute to society and to see themselves as one of us.
We believe in a country where small, family-owned and cooperative businesses can thrive without unfair competition or takeover by larger corporations, where private property is sacrosanct, and where both companies and workers share in the benefits and profits which they help create.
Our objective is to build a stakeholder society – a nation of successful businesses and well-paid employees, in which individual material need has no home.
Opposing Radical Ideology
The Democratic Labour Party was born out of the need to protect Australians from the increasing influence of the extreme left in the ALP. Far from lessening in the years since the DLP was founded, today that threat is greater than ever, having gained a powerful grip on public institutions, the media and even private corporations.
Today’s Labour DLP continues the fight of its predecessors, with the new face of the extreme left expressed in the cultural Marxist “critical theory” being taught in universities and schools and which is increasingly working its way into mainstream political thought.
The obsession with imagined race and gender based “inequality” and “privilege”, which has taken the place of the old left’s obsession with class, is increasingly poisoning public debates and subverting the policies of governments.
One recent example is the so-called ‘Safe Schools’ Program and related gender programs. It is endorsed and financed by the Victorian ALP Government, which made it mandatory in all Victorian public schools. Falsely advertised as an “anti-bullying” program, it actually has a far more sinister purpose. It is ideologically driven, teaching our children a subversive gender ideology to further extremist social and political agendas. There is now increasing awareness that its ultimate purpose is the social re-engineering of children and though them, the state.
Of course, the bullying of any child, for any reason, is undesirable and completely unacceptable, but this is actually nothing to do with this program.
In fact, the Safe Schools Program is part of the Marxist quest to destroy traditional structures and values, under the guise of opposing bullying. It comes as no surprise that it was founded by Roz Ward, a well-known hardened Marxist activist.
Parents across Australia are rightfully outraged, and the DLP was the first political party in Australia to move a parliamentary motion calling for the program to be scrapped.
More broadly, across our society, radical ideologies are driving an attack on traditional institutions and values, slowly eroding the freedoms of speech, religion and conscience which are fundamental to a truly free and democratic society.
Labour DLP is committed to protecting Australia and our children’s future from the influence of anti-democratic radical ideology. We always have, we always will.
Defending Freedoms
Know Your Rights!
All the democratic freedoms, including speech, expression and association, are related to freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief. These are the essence of a free society. However, these freedoms are under attack in Australia. Labour DLP is committed to defending and protecting these freedoms.
Freedom of Speech
Free speech in Australia is being shut down by activists driven by radical ideologies. These radicals have been using threatening behaviour, intimidation and harassment against the organisers and attendees of speaking events they disagree with. A number of cases have been highlighted in the media. Even university campuses, which of all places should be a space for people to think critically and hear views which differ from their own, have been subject to the shutting down of free speech.
Labour DLP’s position on free speech is very clear: while we may not agree with what you’re saying, we’ll fight to the end for your right to say it. Opposing an idea should not equate with opposing the freedom with which that idea was expressed.
Freedom of Religion
Just like with free speech, the freedom of religion or belief is also under attack in Australia. Anti-discrimination laws are being used to prevent churches, charities and schools from teaching or operating in accordance with their beliefs.
Many complaints inspired by political motives targeting religiously informed opinions have been made to the tribunals and commissions around Australia responsible for anti-discrimination law. The DLP maintains that it is an unjustifiable limitation on freedom of religion to prohibit speech just because it may offend or insult someone. Such a limitation is also inconsistent with international human rights law, such as The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Freedom of religion is being attacked in different ways. For example, in Victoria, the ALP Government recently removed the ability for religious organisations to employ all staff who share the organisation’s beliefs. The DLP understands that religion is not confined to religious study classes but indeed touches on all aspects of life. To protect the religious freedom rights of individuals and the groups they comprise, governments and bureaucracies should not make decisions about what is important in the life of the group when they have no commitment to, or proper understand of, the group’s ethos.
Labour DLP is committed to defending and protecting freedom of religion.
Freedom of Conscience
Freedom of conscience is being denied in Australia, especially within the medical profession. In Victoria, the Abortion Law Reform Act 2008 compels medical practitioners to comply with actions that go against their conscience. They are forced to perform an abortion or be party to it by referring a patient to another practitioner who will. Shockingly, a Victorian GP was the subject of investigation for refusing to provide a referral to a couple who wished to obtain an abortion for sex-selection grounds.
Conscientious objection is a fundamental principle of the medical and nursing professions. Labour DLP is committed to defending this right and restoring it where it has been denied.
Supporting Life and Traditional Families
We are pro-life and promote traditional families.
The DLP supports life from conception to natural death.
The DLP is unwavering in its support for traditional marriage.
We believe that the optimal environment for the flourishing of children is the natural family unit, which consists of both biological parents, who are married to each other with an aspiration for lifelong commitment, and who both play an active and supportive role in the raising of their children.
We believe in the rights and duty of parents to discipline their children, and in the rights of children to have both a mother and a father.
The DLP believes in the responsibilities of marriage and in the obligations and love that sustain it.
We utterly oppose laws that permit the killing of the unborn and the elderly and remain opposed to same sex marriage.
Rebuilding Industries
The DLP is committed to rebuilding our industries and ensuring reliable and affordable energy sources including coal.
The DLP seeks nothing less than the total re-industrialisation of Australia. The re-building of our secondary industries laid waste over five decades by misguided trade policies, transnational corporate interests, needless industrial disputes and disastrous energy policies.
Our plan for secondary industry renewal is a co-operative effort involving business and government working together constructively with unions to create a post-war European style secondary industry base, free of the adversarial industrial relations that plagued our factories in the 1960s, 70s and 80s.
However the first pre-requisite for us to have secondary industries in this country is low cost, reliable baseload power.
This cannot come from the child’s fantasy of windmills and solar cells!
Even setting aside merits of the scientifically dubious and socialist-driven claims of “global warming”, the absurdity of trying to chase zero carbon dioxide emissions in Australia when our Chief Scientist has admitted that this will have no effect on worldwide emission increases expected to be created by China and India needs to be exposed.
Ultimately, we need to move to nuclear power, but in the meantime the construction of modern low-emission coal fired power stations to provide cheap, reliable baseload power is essential to drive our national re-industrialisation and this is consequently, DLP policy.
Fair Trade not Free Trade
Decisions made by consecutive governments have stripped the Australian people of the ownership of their own country. There is no level playing field under the current so-called “free trade” system.
Australian businesses pay superannuation, workers compensation, award wages and incur a dozen other costs to give our workforce a safe and secure environment. How many of our competitors incur the same costs? How many of them use workers as grist to the mill, provide no safety provisions, no superannuation, no leave and whose wage levels are barely high enough to meet daily costs?
Labour DLP believes in legislative changes that will provide a real level playing field for Australian businesses; changes that will create a fair and equitable trade system that gives the greatest benefit to Australian manufacturers and farmers.
We oppose the importation of goods made with child and slave labour and support the International Labour Organisation’s efforts to fight for workers rights in all countries.